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Events (12)
- March 2025 Day RetreatTickets: €54.00 - €108.0022 March 2025 | 09:00Lange G. 6, 1080 Wien, Austria
- 25 March 2025 | 17:30Lerchenfelder Str. 49, 1070 Wien, Austria
- 3 April 2025 | 16:30Lerchenfelder Str. 49, 1070 Wien, Austria
Blog Posts (12)
- On Teaching
"The Yoginīs Of Uḍḍiyāna In Meditation 1" Teaching Tantra is something of an paradox to me, and I don’t think it can actually be done. Tantra is both a philosophy and a means to realization. Classical Tantra is a philosophy that is supported by a system of practices that enables one to realize a specific goal: embodied liberation. In practice, I find that it is, first and foremost, a way of living, a way of being. The goal of Classical Tantra is to immerse so deeply within the moment that you recognize that the true nature of this very moment is “your” true nature, and that, in fact, there is only ever this one true nature. This is a paradoxical process: you center firmly within and all of a sudden, you discover that there is no without, and thus, you are All That Is. A single point turns into the whole universe. You are One. Or rather, One Is. On a conceptual level, all these things can be taught. Classical Tantra has a very elaborate philosophy, countless texts and scriptures explore every aspect of the awakening process and of liberation. There are literally hundreds of practices, some more elaborate than others, there are dozens of deities, each complete with their ritual worship. One can spend hours reading and interpreting texts, exploring practices, “learning” – and yet not take a single step towards awakening. "Light On Tantra" Awakening cannot be “taught”. It is a deeply personal, very embodied process that is simultaneously completely universal. The teachings, while helpful initially, must be completely absorbed, first by the mind and then by the body (or the other way round, doesn't really matter). They have to be turned into one’s very being, and then discarded completely if any realization is to happen. This is a problem, if not the problem on this whole path: The teachings are not actually teaching what the student wants to be taught. Teachers of any spiritual path face the problem that all they can ever do is point towards something they feel would be helpful next steps on a student’s path, and pray that the student notices where they are pointing, instead of simply looking at the finger. It can be very frustrating. The student wants to be taught awakening, but by their very nature, teachings are not suited to actually teach awakening. I think they should be called “pointings” instead of teachings, as that better describes them. Pointings can only teach students where to look. And yet, apparently, some people are skilled at this and manage to catch their student’s attention for just long enough that the student begins looking in the right direction, or if they are very lucky, actually seeing. Then, all the teacher does is show the next signposts along the way. Once the student knows where to look, the walking almost happens on its own. The signposts, then, are what makes the awakening process universal. The steps the student takes are what makes it deeply personal. The fact that the goal of Tantra cannot actually be taught is the main reason I have never sought to “teach” - despite sensing that this is where I might end up. If I “teach” Tantra, I am actually misleading the (potential) student into thinking that this is what the goal is. When starting on the Tantrik path, the student doesn’t yet have the discernment to recognize that this is the case, so for the purpose of actualizing the goal of the path, this is quite a dangerous thing to do. It leads the student astray and adds to their load of things (concepts, ideas, stories) that need to be undone in order to be able to realize the goal of the path. Over the past months and years, I have repeatedly and regularly found myself “doing” exactly that. But, by some miraculous Grace, I feel that there is a kind of built-in rescue mechanism in teaching, at least when I find myself in that position. "The Yoginīs Of Uḍḍiyāna In Meditation 2" Teaching is not something that can be actively “done”. When “teaching” happens in this body-mind, it is something that is beyond anything “I” actively “do”. I find myself with other people, they say something, a response speaks through my mouth. I do not know what I will say, I do not know where the words come from. Yet, they arise, and, judging from the recipients’ reactions, they appear to be beneficial. So they say more, and more words arise and after a while, “I” notice that “teaching” is happening. Hence, “teaching” for me most often happens in a way that completely bypasses the mind. It is simply the natural arising of words, triggered by questions and the energy of the people asking those questions. The danger of “me” co-opting the teaching role, of controlling the teaching process, and ultimately of distracting the student by teachings that for them are not necessary, is greatly reduced in this way. It isn’t a foolproof method, but I feel it is the best option available. Resistance is futile. And still, for quite some time now, I have been resisting this process, unwilling to encourage students or to jump into the river that is clearly flowing through me. However, at this point on the path, I cannot but go with the flow, literally. And the flow, now, it seems has taken me here. So, I am very honored to make this body-mind available to serve you as best as I can on your awakening journey. Note, though, that I am not at this point a certified teacher in any lineage. I am simply someone a little further along the way, sharing from what I know to be true and what I know from the scripture and my teachers. So after all this explanation, I think the best way to put it is this: What I “do” is “Sharing Tantra”. And I'd love for you to practice, study and share with me!
- The Vātūlanātha-Sūtras
~ compiled by Anantaśakti (transl.: Christopher Hareesh Wallis) The 13 Vātūlanātha Sūtras are a little-known text of the Tantrik tradition. It is over 1000 years old and was first published only 100 years ago. In it, the mysterious Tantrik master Anantaśakti ("Someone"), compiled some 13 sūtras that were revealed to Lord Vātūla ("The Intoxicated Lord") through the Yoginīs of Uḍḍiyāna, along with a detailed commentary. It is a highly evocative text that covers and goes beyond the Krama teachings usually associated with said yoginīs. Similarly to the Kaula Sūtras, the Vātūlanātha Sūtras describe a complete path to awakening. Transmitted in beautifully evocative, though often mysterious, language, they benefit greatly from explanations by a teacher. I'm sharing them here for easy reference. mahā-sāhasa-vṛttyā svarūpa-lābhaḥ ||1|| Through the activity of the Great Spontaneous Immediacy, one stabilizes in one’s true nature. tallābhācchuritā yugapa vṛtti-pravṛttiḥ ||2|| The flow of the activities [of consciousness] becomes all of a sudden saturated with the attainment of That. ubhaya-paṭṭoghaṭṭanān mahā-śūnyatā-praveśaḥ ||3|| Through breaking open the two casings, [there is] entry into the Great Emptiness. yugma-grāsān niravakāśa-saṃvin-niṣṭhā ||4|| Through devouring the pair, [there is] abiding in continuous and occasionless consciousness. siddha-yoginī-saṃghaṭṭān mahāmelāpodayaḥ ||5|| Through the lovemaking of the siddhas and yoginīs, the great celebratory unification arises. tri-kañcuka-parityāgān nirākhya-padāvasthitiḥ ||6|| Through completely letting go of the three veils, one is established in the Nameless state. vāk-catuṣṭayodaya-virāma-prathāsu svaraḥ prathate ||7|| The Resonance exists in [all] instances of the arising and subsiding of the four aspects of the Word. rasa-tritayāsvādanenānicchocchalitaṃ vigata-bandhaṃ paraṃ brahma ||8|| By savouring the three nectars, [the experience of] the Supreme Absolute, utterly free, surges up spontaneously. devī-catuṣṭayollāsena sadaiva sva-viśrāntyavasthitiḥ ||9|| By the shining forth of the four goddesses, one is permanently established in [the state of] repose within oneself. dvādaśa-vāhodayena mahā-maricī-vikāsaḥ ||10|| Through the Rise of the twelve currents, the Great Rays expand. caryā-pañcakodaye nistaraṅga-samāveśaḥ ||11|| When the five observances arise, [there is] immersion into the Waveless. mahābodha-samāveśāt puṇya-pāpāsaṃbandhaḥ ||12|| Through immersion into awakened awareness, [there is] no more relationship with virtue and sin. akathana-kathā-balena mahā-vismaya-mudrā-prāptyā kha-svaratā ||13|| Through the power of the inexpressible oral teaching, [there is] the attainment of the Sign of Great Wonder; through that, the Resonance of the Void. ~ Anantaśakti (transl.: Christopher Hareesh Wallis)
- Creating? Art?
I feel like a short post on how I create my art is in order, and perhaps a brief discussion on whether these images can even be called “art”. Making Texts Come To Life It’s been almost a year since I discovered the world of artificial intelligence. I use Midjourney AI to make original texts come to life. I enter words, texts, prompts and the AI creates an image based on this input. Key to creating great images is being precise enough to allow the AI to create a coherent image with an interesting subject, while at the same time leaving enough space for creativity so the "vibe" of the source text comes across. It's a delicate balance - and a wonderful collaborative process. Working With AI Is An Interactive, Creative Dance Collaborating with AI, I can only influence the output to a certain degree. A good amount of the image is created by the AI itself, which in turn has been trained to do so based on pictures available on the internet. I personally feel that creating images this way is like painting a picture with someone who doesn't speak your language. I try to make myself understood, I express an idea, and they pick it up and interpret it their way. After some refinements, together we get closer to a image that expresses my idea (or rather, my idea of what the original text is trying to convey). I Use Original Texts Whenever Possible Unless specifically indicated, the original texts are not altered, nor do I use existing images to prompt the AI. Of course, I use English translations of the original Sanskrit texts. When creating deities, I try to convey modern interpretations of their svabhāva ("vibratory tone") and follow as much of the traditional iconography as I can manage to include without losing that vibe. To do that, I add certain descriptors to the text prompt, but strive to keep them to the bare minimum. Two very literal interpretations of original quotes left: The Great Death-Conqurering Mantra 14 depicts the reference to a cucumber in the translation of the mantra. right: The Letter A 6 illustrates verse 11 from the Kaula Sutras, "The body is represented by the letter A, the [underlying] flux/flow." The process becomes challenging when the AI interprets a verse very literally (as can be seen in some images here), or when an original verse is so vague that it has no actual subject, or refers to the reader’s prior knowledge and experience (as shown in many of the images in my very first collection). In such cases, the AI latches onto the first word it actually “understands” and it becomes a challenge to get it to created images based on the interpretation of a verse instead of its literal meaning. Then again, sometimes this gives the most amazing (and fun) images, so you never know. All The Artwork On This Site Was Created Purely By AI I like the raw feel, the apparent mistakes and hidden errors in the pictures. I do not strive to create flawless, "perfect" artwork. Human beings are not perfect (well, except that innately, everyone is perfect), and I love art that reflects this. Hands and eyes especially are amongst the most difficult body parts for AI to render, so expect to see some "flaws". I don't consider myself a graphic designer, and if you're looking for perfectly photoshopped work, you'll probably be better off looking elsewhere. If, on the other hand, you're looking for work created with passion and love... welcome! All this said, the big question around all images created using AI remains: Is This Art? Is Art Generated by AI Art? Can It Even Be Art? What Makes Art Art? Honestly, I don’t know. It is something that is heavily debated in the AI community, with all sorts of people, trained artists and non-artists, having all sorts of opinions (no it isn't - yes it is; no it can't - yes it can; only humans make art - AI can make art etc...) and endless (i.e. fruitless) discussions. For Me, It's Simple From my point of view it's all very easy: basically, if you think it is art, it is, and if you think it isn't, it isn't. In the end, it doesn't matter. "Art" is simply a word, trying to define something that by its very nature cannot be defined because it has to be experienced. AI, to me, is a tool that allows me to express visions and ideas in a way I couldn’t possibly manage with paint and paper (my drawing abilities never went beyond the stick-man stage). I’m very grateful to have such a tool and that I live in a time and place where I can use it. Selling AI-Generated Art? Since anyone can create images using AI, for free or very little money, why do I sell my work? Simply put: I believe the images I offer you bring you beauty and inspiration. I put a lot of time and effort into creating them. Prompting, simple as it may seem, is not easy if you have a specific idea in mind. There is a steep learning curve involved, and a lot (a lot!) of practice and experimentation are necessary for good results. A lot of time goes into learning about various art styles and artists, photography, cinematography, the intricacies of prompt-crafting and more. Sometimes it feels like a crash-course in art history, photography or computer science. Of course, the knowledge I acquire this way is not comparable to someone with a degree in Art History, or Computer Programming. And I don't believe it needs to be. But, I think the result is of value, and worth every cent.
Other Pages (14)
- Welcome | Inspired By Tantra
Practice and study Classical Tantra under expert guidance with other practitioners. Practice and Study Many years of practice… After many years of dedicated practice in different Tantrik communities, I slowly see the fruit of my practice appearing in my life. Actually, for a long time I didn’t notice anything had changed until people started pointing it out to me, over and over (and over and over). After a while, over the past year or so, I have found myself guiding practitioners and facilitating study groups on Classical Tantra. Suddenly, I am in position of passing on these teachings and supporting others on their awakening journey While the whole topic of “Teaching Tantra” is very ambivalent to me (basically, I don’t think it can be taught, for reasons I explain here ), and I have tried, consciously or unconsciously, to avoid it), it seems to me that this is, apparently, what wants to happen through me at this point in time. It is one of the most joyful and blessed states of being that I experience – because when it “works”, there is nobody who actually “does” the so-called “teaching”. Sharing To me, it feels more like I’m sharing: sharing from my lived experience of Tantrik practices and philosophy, and from the knowledge I have gained through the study of the Tantrik tradition and the lineage I call home. Sharing happens a lot these days, and from the reactions of those listening, I sense that it is of some benefit to them and their path. I feel the time has come for me to share whatever wants to be shared, for the benefit of those who wish to listen. It is with a sense of profound gratitude, great honor and deep respect that I now offer opportunities to study and practice together. It is one of the greatest blessings life has given me. And so I offer, with great respect and love, all I have learnt to you, who desires truth above all, who desires a life of ever-unfolding depth and bliss, who dares follow their heart’s deepest longing. Current offerings Currently, I’m offering regular practice meetings and bi-monthly intensive day-retreats in Vienna (all in German). From time to time I plan on organizing kula gatherings for the Tantra Illuminated community (in English). All these meetings are open to anyone interested in exploring the spiritual path through the means of Classical Tantra, no prerequisites are needed. You can find all the dates and further information here : Going forward, online practice groups and/or study groups may be possible. Please sign up for the newsletter here to be informed of new offerings. A note on finances I try to keep my offerings accessible to all. Please know that limited financial resources will never be an obstacle to your participation. Just contact me personally and we’ll find a solution. See Upcoming Events
- AI Art | Inspired By Tantra
Bring awakening to your living room, practice space or yoga studio! Buy exclusive AI-created art prints and digital art! Inspired By Tantra: art and inspiration, based on teachings and poetry of Classical Tantra. INSPIRED BY TANTRA DEDICATED TO THE EXPLORATION OF CLASSICAL TANTRA THROUGH PRACTICE, STUDY AND ART PRACTICE AND STUDY EXPLORE ARTWORK Join the mailing list! Yes, I want to be kept up-to-date about new offerings. Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!
- Inspiration | Inspired By Tantra
Bring awakening to your living room, practice space or yoga studio! Buy exclusive AI-created art prints and digital art, based on teachings and poetry of Classical Tantra. Find beauty and inspiration for your spiritual path. Inspiration Throughout the ages, masters of the tantrik tradition and awakened beings of all walks of life have captured their experience of awakening and the awakened state in poetry and other art forms. Many of the pictures below are based on these - highly evocative - works of art. Others explore experiences I have had in contemplation and practice. May they inspire you too! These are mostly new works, often connected to my practice. Some of them will be available as fine art prints, postcards or on canvas in the shop shortly, so do let me know which ones you like most! Back Main Shop Next