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Practice and Study

Many years of practice…

After many years of dedicated practice in different Tantrik communities, I slowly see the fruit of my practice appearing in my life. Actually, for a long time I didn’t notice anything had changed until people started pointing it out to me, over and over (and over and over). After a while, over the past year or so, I have found myself guiding practitioners and facilitating study groups on Classical Tantra. Suddenly, I am in position of passing on these teachings and supporting others on their awakening journey

While the whole topic of “Teaching Tantra” is very ambivalent to me (basically, I don’t think it can be taught, for reasons I explain here), and I have tried, consciously or unconsciously, to avoid it, it seems to me that this is, apparently, what wants to happen through me at this point in time. It is one of the most joyful and blessed states of being that I experience – because when it “works”, there is nobody who actually “does” the so-called “teaching”.


To me, it feels more like I’m sharing: sharing from my lived experience of Tantrik practices and philosophy, and from the knowledge I have gained through the study of the Tantrik tradition and the lineage I call home. Sharing happens a lot these days, and from the reactions of those listening, I sense that it is of some benefit to them and their path.

I feel the time has come for me to share whatever wants to be shared, for the benefit of those who wish to listen. It is with a sense of profound gratitude, great honor and deep respect that I now offer opportunities to study and practice together. It is one of the greatest blessings life has given me.

And so I offer, with great respect and love, all I have learnt to you, who desires truth above all, who desires a life of ever-unfolding depth and bliss, who dares follow their heart’s deepest longing.


Current offerings


Currently, I’m offering regular practice meetings and bi-monthly intensive day-retreats in Vienna (all in German). From time to time I plan on organizing kula gatherings for the Tantra Illuminated community (in English). All these meetings are open to anyone interested in exploring the spiritual path through the means of Classical Tantra, no prerequisites are needed. You can find all the dates and further information here:​



Going forward, online practice groups and/or study groups may be possible. Please sign up for the newsletter here to be informed of new offerings.

A note on finances


My offerings are donation-based or cover my costs only. Please know that limited financial resources will never be an obstacle to your participation. Just contact me personally and we’ll find a solution.

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