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The Crest-Jewel of Hymns

~ Excerpt from The Stava-cintāmaṇi (Crest-Jewel of Hymns) by Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa, c. 900 CE (transl. unknown)

Jewels and Pearls

With my eyes closed, secretly enjoying the wonder of inner love, Saying unto You: Namah Śivāya, Homage to You, O Śiva! I would like to worship everything, I would like to worship everything till the last blade of grass! Give me Your grace, o Beloved!

Then, my soul remaining forever at Your feet, I will be filled with ecstasy, and will dissolve in an ever renewed and eternal enchantment Crazy and overfilled with love, overwhelmed with bliss, Your worshippers spin, vibrating with their entire being because of the ineffable touch of Your Grace Blinded by tears of joy, with their faces blossomed open, uttering incoherent words in the cosmic dance of love The love in the Supreme Divine, The love in You, O Shambhu!

The overflow of love, I cry with all my soul! May my love, burning and deep be only in You! I would like to cry: Śiva! To cry once more, to always cry: Śiva! I would like to laugh and cry of joy in the drunkenness of love. In my ardent search, I went out of my soul, in full moon-shine In my ardent search, I came to realize that God unites with God... This whole world is You, O Śiva! What are all these things and beings? They are Your eyes.

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